- Work on a dress I’m sewing for my sister
- Clean the house top to bottom
- Catch up on all the laundry
- Do baking
- Clean the kitchen spic and span
- Organizing paperwork/bills/receipts
- Catch up with some work on our budget
- Get a call from my husband at 5:10. he says he’s gonna run a brush fire call, and I might have to bring his uniform up to the ambulance station, cause it will be cutting it close for him to be on at 6
- Hear on the scanner that it is no longer a brush fire, but a building (shed)
- Hear ambulance on location ask for the second ambulance to respond class three for an injured firefighter
- get a certain feeling, that the injured firefighter is my husband. Two seconds later, hear my phone ring, its my husband, he confirms he is that firefighter
- stop all cooking/ supper prep, get ready to head to the ER with my in-laws
- get to the ER, find my husband, who is in significant right knee pain
- sit and wait for them to do xrays
- hear the news that nothing is broken, but possibly torn or badly sprained
- we go to the doctor Monday for further instructions
- get dropped off at the the hall, help my husband in the passenger seat, and I drive us home in HIS truck (it’s a big scary truck)
- try to situate my uncomfortable immobilized husband on the sofa
now he’s sleeping here beside me, and I’m grateful for all the bad things that didn’t happen at that scene, that could have me sitting next to him in the hospital instead.