Friday, May 8, 2009

It's been a long week, but it went by fast.... I know, it doesn't really make all that much sense, but I know what I mean. Its been pretty busy, which means we've packed that much in, that it seems a long way since last weekend, but I have so much to do, that I haven't gotten done this week, therefore it feels like it flew by. Last night was lovely. I didnt get out from work as early as I was hoping, but I managed to get home, before Curt, and tidy up the house a little bit, (You know how much tidying up just a little after a hurricane would do? Well thats pretty much all it did. My house is a wreck right please no surprise visits!) before heading to Ephrata to meet Galen & Janessa at Applebees. It was super awesome. The food, -yummy smothered chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, broccoli- and definately the company all contributed to a wonderful evening. Then there was that pretty sunset. Did you notice it? So beautiful after all the rain this week :) So, tonight, I'm gonna get alot done. The wash, the cleaning, pricing yardsale stuff & packing it up to go tomorrow bright (or dark) and early. Untill next time. m

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