Sometimes I wish I could go back...
*To the days when my friends & I could entertain ourselves for several hours at walmart & leave without buying anything but gum.
*To the days when we bought cakes to celebrate Friday nights off.
*To the days where we tried to see how many girls fit in a bus bathroom...and a telephone booth.
*To the days where the setting summer sun only marked the beginning of a wonderful time.
*To the days of driving to roxburry listening to Rogers & Hammerstein soundtrack of Sound of Music, & pretending our stuffed animals were being stalked
*To the days of CD Players & large headphones with lots of splitters so we could all listen to the music together.
*To the days we (mostly me) would stand defiantly with my face in the wind. (I vaguely think this had something to do with lyrics from a song...maybe from Paul Overstreet or Midsouth?)
*To the days of corny inside jokes that sent us into gales of laughter. Inside jokes that don't even mean anything anymore.
*To the days when we passed Cd's around like prized possessions - cause they were.
*To the days of 6 girls sleeping sideways on a bed just so we could room together at the cabin.
*To the days where we talked & laughed till we cried...
*To the days where the best thing was a new roll of film & time with my friends.
Sometimes I wish I could go back...But only sometimes.
*Disclaimer: This post has a judgement free zone wrapped around it....I realize one or more of these memories may display things that are no longer a part of my character :)
Oh, but sometimes, I can't wait for the days ahead. Because the moments I'm looking forward to are "a part of my character". Fun post.